Grown on Aquidneck Island

Hawk & Handsaw Farm is a market farm and native plant nursery business run by Kidder & Horus. We are a Queer owned Farm based out of Aquidneck Island, RI.

Aquidneck is an island intersecting at Narragansett and Wampanoag peoples lands. Respectfully, we acknowledge the Narragansett and Wampanoag lineage as traditional stewards and first harvesters on whose land we meet.

Please Support local indigenous led efforts by:

The Tomaquag Museum of Rhode Island


The Pocasset Pokanoket Land Trust, farm forward & indigenous run land trust

what we Grow:

  • vegetable crops

  • culinary/medicinal herbs

  • edible flowers

  • bast fiber & natural dye crops

  • native & eco-type native nursery stock

Where you can find our produce:

  • Anna D’s Cafe Farmer’s Market: Mondays 2-6pm (June- Nov)

    954 East Main rd.

    Portsmouth, RI 02871

  • Farm stand: Tuesdays 2-6pm (June-Nov)

    Cloverbud Ranch

    497 Jepson ln.

    Middletown, RI 02842

  • Farm stand: TBD (June-Nov)

    Stonewall Stand

    2418 East Main Rd.

    Portsmouth, RI 02842

  • Martin Luther King Jr Community Center: Produce to the People Program

    Thursdays 10-1pm: MLK blvd location Newport, RI 02840

    Tuesdays (Jun-Sept) 11–1pm: Oxbow, 80 Rogers Lane Middletown, RI 02842

    Fridays (Jun-Sept) 11–1pm: Chaple Terrace, 19 Chapel Street, Newport, RI 02840

Our mission is to bring quality cultivated crops to our community with positive impact on our environment, people and place, with emphasis on creating a welcoming space for typically marginalized populations.

Some of the things we do to fulfill our mission:

-We offer sliding scale pricing or payment plans to make our market produce more accessible. We believe access to quality local food is a right that is too often allocated as a privilege.

-We work with dedicated chefs that highlight seasonal local produce on their menus.

-Since 2020 we have held a wholesale account with the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center to bring quality vegetables to underserved locals through their “Produce to the People” program.

-We support inclusive community access to the farm through free with educational opportunities and social community building events. These events and workshops are supported through a suggested sliding scale donation basis per event. No one will ever be turned away for lack of funds!

Our Farming Practices:

We are dedicated to sustainable regenerative farming practice, commonly shared by indigenous communities all over the world, to contribute to carbon sequestration and well being for all. We cultivate our crops using various low/no-till soil building methods while following “organic” practices and beyond (although we are not under certification).

We started our farming business in 2018 out of, Incubator Farm & Community Gardens, Island Community Farm, in Middletown, RI and in April of 2022 we moved the farm and commenced a long term lease in Portsmouth, RI on privately owned land conserved under an easement through Aquidneck Land Trust. Since 2022, this new farm location has served as farm headquarters and its 7 acres of field and 4 acres of woodlot, have offered us the ability to set roots and expand what we offer.

More on Island Community Farm:

Island Community Farm is located on an 8 acre parcel that was conserved by the Aquidneck Land Trust. Established in 2012 this community farm incubates small farm businesses and hosts roughly 40 community gardener allotments. Island Community Farm is operated through the non-profit called Aquidneck Community Table and, through the ongoing support of many, this farm space continues to grow.