Hawk & Handsaw Farm

2024 Vegetable CSA

Fill out the form at the bottom
of this page to reserve a spot for 2024 CSA▼
Community Supported
on Aquidneck Island, RI

A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a system of selling produce directly to the community. Community members purchase a share of our farms produce each year before it is grown for an up front cost. In exchange we offer up the best from the field for you to pick through at our weekly farm stand or market. (*see below for pick up locations)

By participating in a farm CSA you are directly supporting local agriculture. By purchasing a portion of the produce we grow in advance of the farm season we are able cover the multitude of up front farm costs that occur at the beginning of each season for farmers. In return you get the best of what we have to offer!

CSA models have been practiced by farmers and communities throughout time, around the world. These models have shown to be effective and offer a way for community members to directly participate in local agriculture.

share Pricing & Benefits

Spend $200 (+ $10 extra gift to spend on veggies)

Spend $400 (+ $30 extra gift to spend on veggies)

Spend $600 (+ $50 extra gift to spend on veggies)


Pick up Locations:

Clover bud

Farm Stand

Cloverbud Ranch

497 Jepson lane

Portsmouth, RI

Every Tuesday 2pm-6pm

June - October

Grass Fed Beef and other animal products are available for additional purchase at this location.

Anna d’s Cafe

Farmer’s Market

954 East Main Road

Portsmouth, RI

Every Monday 2-6pm

June - October

This location offers availability from other vendors for an added shopping experience. (vendor list TBD)

**We understand that making a large payment at once can be difficult please contact us about a Payment Plan if needed. We also offer Sliding Scale Pricing. If this is something that would make a CSA share more accessible to you please inquire. 

If you would like to Gift or Sponsor a Share for someone else please indicate that in the order form below. Our goal is to make farm fresh vegetables available to all. Local fresh food is a right not a privilege!**


When/How do I sign up and pay for my share?

After you use the form below to reserve our CSA membership, you will receive an email with details on how to pay for your Share. Paying for your share as soon as possible allows us to pay for all the things necessary to keep a farm running smoothly. Your payments go directly to fees and seeds as we like to say!

A Personal Check is the most efficient way for us to receive a payment. *Inquire if you need a different option for payment.

CSA share slots are filled first come first served. Sign up now to reserve your spot for a share of fresh vegetables through the months of June to November.

*Please inquire about a payment plan or Sliding scale options if needed. Our goal is to make fresh farm vegetables available to all.

Where/How do I receive my share?

You will pick up your CSA Harvest Share on OUR MARKET DAYS (every Monday or Tuesday 2-6pm June- Oct) at your connivence (see above for location details). You will be able to pick out the veggies of your choice just like shopping at a farmers market stand and we will deduct what you spend each visit from your total share price.

Come any day we are open for market at our listed locations and pick up as little or as much produce as you want each week. You are not requried to come every week but are responsible for spending all of your share allotment by the end of the season; member balances will not roll over.

*On Island, Need based, Share Delivery is available for a recommended donation of $5 per delivery please inquire.*

Fill out the form below
▼ to sign up for 2024 CSA▼